Role: Branding & Identity, UI/UX Design, Publication & Layout Design
Conceptual Client: Kilter Fitness
Year: 2022
In the saturated market of fitness publications; full of information heavy articles, tough to know methods and hard to follow instructions, Kilter as the name implies was made with balance, ease and the beginner in mind. Taking bits and pieces of inspiration from similar publications, Kilter focuses it’s content on beginner friendly information and lays it out in an easy to understand and read format. The publication paired with a phone app allows fitness newbies the convenience of being able to read at home as they relax or to read electronically on their phone when they’re out and about crushing their fitness goals. Kilter would be sold in mainstream publication stores such as Indigo and be available for download on Ios and Android.
Design Approach: 
Starting out it was always a goal to make the layout simple but elegant, making sure the articles were easily readable and flow easily for the reader. With this in mind we cut the work in half at first making sure that we could both share the workload. We wanted to make the publication as accessible as possible so then an app was planned to be made. I would make the publication and Kevin would make the app.
In the beginning, we had to find inspiration from different forms. We started looking at different forms of exercise and variants of movement and ended up in the letter K flipped, looking like an arrow pointed up raising the bar. “Raising the bar” as making yourself better. After I proceeded to create the main layout and cover for the publications choosing an athletic looking font partnering with an easily readable body font. Due to some complications Kevin wasn't able to make the app, so I had to make it. Using XD I make an app that echoed the style and feel of the main publication and accompanied it with icons that follow the same feel of the main logo. For the finishing touches a style guide was made and accompanying wireframes and sitemaps for the app.
The result was a contemporary designed magazine, that is aimed toward fitness beginners that encourage growth, balance and a continuation in their fitness journey and an app that is equally as elegant as it is easy to use.

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